Ipock Electric and Solar
Choosing the Right Whole-Home Propane Generator

Choosing the Right Whole-Home Propane Generator

Published by Ipock Electric and Solar on

Choosing the Right Whole-Home Propane Generator

A whole-home propane generator can be a reliable solution for ensuring an uninterrupted power supply for your entire home during an outage. However, it is crucial to select the proper size generator to meet the power demands of your whole house.

In today's blog, we'll delve into critical factors when sizing a propane generator for whole-home use, empowering homeowners to make informed decisions.

Understanding Power Requirements

Beginning to understand your home's power requirements is a crucial step in accurately sizing a propane generator. Start by creating a complete list of all electrical appliances and systems you would like to power during an outage.

Consider essential items like refrigerators, heating and cooling systems, well pumps, lighting, and any other critical equipment. Then, record the start wattage and run watts for those appliances. By determining the wattage or amperage of each device, you can estimate the total power needed.

Determining Generator Size

Once you have a comprehensive list of power requirements, you can move on to figuring out the appropriate generator size. Propane generators are typically rated in kilowatts (kW).

It's crucial to select a generator with sufficient power capacity to handle starting watt and running wattage of all your appliances. Specific devices, such as air conditioners or well pumps, may require a higher starting wattage.

Remember, you're not alone in this process. Consult with the professionals at Ipock Electric and Solar for expert guidance in properly sizing a whole-home propane generator.

Assessing Fuel Supply

Besides power capacity, it's crucial to consider the fuel supply for your propane generator. Evaluate the availability of propane in your area and determine the frequency of refueling required based on your estimated runtime.

Consider the propane tank size and any installation requirements. That will ensure a consistent and easily accessible fuel supply, which is a primary factor in maintaining your generator's long-term functionality.

Noise Level and Placement

Generators produce varying levels of noise, which may concern some homeowners. When sizing a propane generator, consider the noise level it generates during operation. Look for models that offer quiet operation features or noise reduction technology.

Furthermore, think about the ideal placement of your newly purchased generator on your property. It should be positioned away from living areas to minimize noise disturbances and ensure proper ventilation.

Summary of Propane Generators

Choosing the right propane generator for whole-home use requires careful consideration of the following:

  • Power Requirements
  • Generator Size
  • Fuel Source
  • Noise Level
  • Generator Placement

By understanding these factors and conducting thorough research, you, as the homeowner, can have a propane generator that meets your and your family's specific needs. With a reliable and adequately sized generator in place, you will have peace of mind knowing your home will remain powered during unexpected outages.

Contact the propane generator experts at iPock Electric and Solar today at (417) 437-2905.

Ipock Electric and Solar